Microsoft introduces power bi for business analytics service. It offers business intelligence capabilities with self service. By interactive visualisation that means one of the graphic visualisation. Then the customer are also create dashboard and reports by their own by the POWER BI  app. they are not depending on others like staff database administration or information technology. It is use full for making powerful decisions. Now a days it is become very famous by the data science professionals. Cloud service helps to in any organisation data to share insights and visualise.
Power bi comprises the community by the key components:
· Desktop
· Gateways
· Service
· Mobile Apps
· Embedded
· Visual Gallery
· Report Server


It is very powerful development companion tool for power bi. POWER BI DESKTOP having a windows desktop applications. This application is in online software as a service (SaaS) called power bi Service. Mobile Power bi service apps are available. In IOS, windows phones, tablets and Androids also. Desktop, service and mobile these three elements are very useful. There are helps to the people share, create, and consume business insights. These elements are way to their role or serve them, .

Data Gateway:

· It acts as a gatekeeper.
· Gateway authentication is successful then only client requests are access from Gateway listens.
· Gateway is software. It provides that online services like to connect on premise data sources (such as share point, SQL server and many more.).
· Gateway uses to store sensitive information like passwords.
· It is use to compress the data and coded the data to pass through it.
Gateway modes:
When we install gateway in it there are two modes.
· Personal Mode
· Recommended Mode
Before installation Gateway there are some important points
· On domain controller machine Gateway is not beneficial to install.
· We have to install a single machine on two premise gateway. (One for personal mode and another for recommended mode)
· We have to install gateway on only 64- bit machine.
· On electronic devices the gateway is not install. Such as computers and laptops. If they turned off, not connected network or a sleep.
· In any computer we cannot install more than one gateway. Same gateway in same computer.

Power Bi building Blocks:

These building blocks used to breakdown a few basics also. If you understand these building blocks then you have to explain each thing. And it is creating and elaborating complex reports. Even if complex thing also can create from basic building blocks.
Basic building blocks have given below:
· Data sets
· Reports
· Dashboards
· Tiles
· Visualisations